"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
~ Jesus of Nazareth

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Do not fret; there have been many more humorous moments for our team. There are memorable things happening all around us. Delving into a radically different culture is certainly one of the easiest ways to compile a plethora of hysterical quotes from friends.

Yesterday we were attempting to cross the street to the Construction Bank in order to exchange some American Cash for Chinese Yuan. Short version - there are literally no traffic laws or traffic lights in Jimei. Vehicles can drive and park on the sidewalks as well, and the street is four lanes wide with traffic going both directions. Needless to say, the car situation can, at times, leave us with a tad bit of stress. While waiting to cross the street we told Julie to just chance it and bolt across. We assumed the cars would halt on her behalf. Julie didn't really enjoy that idea. Her response to such a situation was: "This is not frogger! I can't get another life if I die!" We continued to wait for clearer traffic.

Also, Jenny our translator and helper was with us at a restaurant. This particular food dining establishment had only short chopsticks that were a little more difficult to execute with compared to the regular sized ones. When we quizzed Jenny about the short chopsticks she said: "Well, they are for...Um...Actually, they are terrible--just a waste." Apparently not even native Chinese enjoy the shorter chop sticks.

One thing that is imperative to learn about our experience is the fact that Mitch, Mitch, Julie, and Tammy are all being blessed with incredible opportunities to witness to these spiritually starving Chinese brothers and sisters. There have been more than one moment for each of us where we were challenged with a difficult translation moment, or concept to explain, or someone that is not interested in Christ, and the results have been surprising and encouraging. It is difficult to adequately describe the feeling we experience when the Spirit allows us to be tools used in a moment that is beyond us. With every passing hour in the afternoon and evening we are connecting with new readers and exposing them to Jesus' love for the first time. With every passing hour in the afternoon and evening we are re-connecting with readers we've taught before and strengthening our bonds with them. We are building friendships; we are teaching; we are learning; we are having the time of our lives!

This morning we will be worshipping at the International Church here in the Xiamen province. We will be worshipping with people from America, Europe, Africa, and so many other places. We are beyond excited to experience this worship endeavor together. Mitchell R. and Tammy went last year and loved every minute of it. It will surely be a memorable experience in which we are exposed to more aspects of God.

Later this evening, we will be hosting our first of three English Parties. We have invited all of our readers and their friends to come to our sight and play many games, learn more about speaking conversational English, eat fresh fruit, and enjoy Godly fellowship. We are stoked that the first party is here! These parties are filled with some of the best memories we'll hold on to from this trip.

Please continue to be prayerful for this incredible endeavor we are on. We are in over-our-heads for all the right reasons. All the more, we need to trust in our Savior to a magnitude that is uncomfortable and new-ground in many ways. Also, there are readers of ours that are approaching big decisions about their lives; spiritual decisions; family members operations; traveling; and so many other things--remember to be prayerful for these specific things in regards to the people we are connecting with.

We are on fire, we are eager, and we are ready. We couldn't be more grateful for His Spirit intervening. And we couldn't be more grateful for you and your heart and prayerful support. Thank you so much for your willingness to be a part of this mission with us. We love you all very much.

~ Grace and Peace be with you

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